7 January 2020

Fave podcasts of 2019

Happy New Year! 2020 has arrived. It's not only a new year, but also a new decade. Very exciting! I do love myself a year overview, so I'll take some time soon to sit back and try to remember everything I've done the past twelve months (a lot!), and then of course share it with all of you here. I haven't blogged in over a year, so I'm not sure if anyone is actually still hanging out here in my little online corner of the world wide web, but if you are, yay! And if you're new, welcome!

Let's get started with today's topic: my favourite podcasts of the past year! 2019 really was the year of podcasts for me.
I had listened to some podcasts before, but this year I actually found some really good ones and have been looking forward to new episodes on a weekly basis. I figured it would be nice to share my favourite ones with you. As I have been listening to podcasts in different languages, I have sorted them per language. Hopefully you can find some ones that sound interesting for you! And please let me know your favourites as well! I love to discover some new ones!



This podcast is made by the sisters Delér. Both Janni and Michaela are influencers on Instagram, and Janni also has a YouTube channel. In most episodes, they talk about their lives, which are very different in a lot of ways, yet also similar because they obviously have the same family and background. Sometimes they also invite guests, such as their respective husbands, mother, father or friends. Always returning segments are "worst & best of the week" and "tips & tricks".
This podcast is two sisters talking very openly and it feels as if you're in the room with them, like talking to your own sister.
Release day: Thursday // Average episode length: 45 minutes
I actually discovered this podcast through Two Of A Kind, in their "tips & tricks" segment. The Monday Mantra podcast always brings the perfect boost you need to start your week. Josefin is the only person talking in this podcast. In every episode she chooses a mantra, a saying, a quote. She talks about why she chose the mantra and shares her thoughts and experiences related to the mantra. This podcast is very empowering and interesting for personal growth!
Release day: Monday // Average episode length: 15 minutes

3. Systrarna Larsson
Another podcast made by two sisters! This time it's the sisters Larsson. Zara and Hanna talk about their life and give you an inside look into the music industry. Both sisters are working with music. Zara Larsson is of course known worldwide for her singles like Lush Life, Never Forget You (ft. MNEK) and Symphony (ft. Clean Bandit), but her sister Hanna also has her own music project together with her friend, called Lennixx. This podcast genuinely feels like talking to your sisters and I love it!
Release day: Thursday // Average episode length: 40 minutes

4. Vad, Hur, Varför?
A podcast all about entrepreneurship with YouTuber Katrin Berndt and blogger Marie Wigunsjö. This podcast is relatively new, with at the moment that I'm writing this, less than 10 episodes out so far, but has immediately caught my interest.
Both ladies discuss the online entrepreneurship world very openly and straight forward and actually give some useful tips for others who would like to start their own online business. Looking forward to more episodes!
Release day: Tuesday // Average episode length: 60 minutes



Alex Agnew is not just one of Belgian's most famous stand up comedians anymore, but he's also become quite the known podcaster in Belgium. Together with his friend Andries he interviews lots of known Belgians. The interviews are very in depth, which causes the podcast episodes to be quite long, but they are very interesting! Every now and then they release separate episodes called "Calling from the underground", where they talk with underground bands. And sometimes the episodes are a tiny bit shorter, when they just discuss stuff they like with the two of them, usually movies or music.
Release day: Monday // Average episode length: 120 minutes

2. De Niet Zo Serieuze Sprookjes
When you are young, people tell you stories before going to sleep. When you get older, this stops happening. Until now! 
This podcast is so much fun, because all the episodes are recorded in front of a live audience. Jeron always brings a guest with him to these sessions and they improvise a fairytale based on a title given to them by the public. Very funny!
Release day: Friday // Average episode length: 7 minutes



Jamie's dad (aka Rocky Flintstone) has written porn books. Jamie reads and comments on the books together with his two friends Alice and James. Absolutely hilarious! Be careful when listening to this podcast in public spaces, you might start giggling and laughing out loud (happened to me quite literally every time)!
Release day: Monday // Average episode length: 30 minutes


What are some of your favourite podcasts? 
Share them with me in the comments here or on let me know on Instagram!

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