26 July 2017

Sabaton @ Hovet | concert

It's been four whole months ago now, but I wanted to write about the Sabaton show in Hovet that I went to anyway. 
I have seen Sabaton a lot of times already, I can't even remember how often I've been to their shows, but I keep going back to them. I love their concept of singing about historic events with very bombastic music and they're simply good live. In 2017, I'm normally seeing them four times: at their show in Stockholm, at Graspop, at their festival and on their cruise.

So today, time to make a recap of their show in Stockholm at the end of March. I had bought my ticket for this show as soon as I knew it was happening, so in October or November last year. Since the ticket wasn't particularly cheap, I told myself it would be a early birthday present to myself, but of course, I ended up giving myself more presents. Hehe. YOLO.

I went to the show straight after work, so I arrived a bit early. I went there all by myself, but that's nothing new. I go to shows by myself a lot and sometimes it's awkward, but not when it's a band like Sabaton, whose songs I all know by hard. I also knew both the support acts for the night: Twilight Force and Accept, so I was in for a treat!

NEDERLANDS: Het is ondertusen alweer vier maanden geleden, maar ik wilde toch nog een berichtje maken over de Sabaton show in Hovet waar ik naartoe ben geweest. Ik heb Sabaton al vaak live gezien. Ik kan me niet meer herinneren hoe veel keer ik ze al heb gezien in totaal, maar het is best vaak. 
In 2017 zie ik de band normaal vier keer: hun show in Stockholm, op Graspop, op hun festival en op hun cruise.


Twilight Force put on a decent show, but it seems like the band has some trouble getting a whole arena to join their party. Except for some people in the first couple of rows, nobody seemed super excited to bang their heads and sing along.
When I saw the band for the first time in 2014, as a support act for Gloryhammer, I immediately fell in love with them.
Their latest album did not live up to my expectations. The songs are not sing along friendly and it feels like they were trying too hard to make it sound fairytale-ish and bombasic at the same time, which resulted in an over-the-top sound.

NEDERLANDS: Twilight Force deed hun best een goede show neer te zetten, maar naar mijn gevoel had de band het moeilijk een volle arena mee te krijgen. Met uitzondering van de eerste paar rijen deed er eigenlijk niemand mee. 

A little bit after the short Twilight Force performance, Accept took over the stage. With a completely decorated stage and the experience to play bigger crowds, these old rockers put on a good old school rock 'n roll show with all their biggest hits.
I have to admit I did not know many of their songs, depsite having seen the band live before, but they were still able to make me enjoy their performance and even got me singing along to some of their songs.

NEDERLANDS: Accept daarentegen kreeg meteen veel meer volk mee. Met een compleet gedecoreerd podium en hun ervaring, maakte deze band er een grote rock 'n roll show van. Ik kende hun nummers eigenlijk niet, ondanks dat ik de ban al eerder live had gezien, maar ik genoot van hun optreden en kon na een tijdje sommige nummers toch meezingen.

I had managed to go to the front of the standing area, where I got a lot of people standing on my feet, elbows in my upper body and sweaty hair in my face. The things you do for people you love... After a longer break, Sabaton got on stage.
The band played a mix of old and new songs, all very bombastic with crazy lighting, costumes and lots of fireworks.

During the obligatory getting-off-stage-so-people-can-scream-for-more-moment, I decided to get more to the back of the standing area to get some space, some air and to get closer to my jacket in the cloak room already. Sabaton came back on stage and played some more songs, which al made me very emotional because of all the memories attached to them.
I screamed my heart and lungs out to these songs, and shed some tears, which felt like a nice form of therapy.
Luckily I'm seeng the band some more times this year, so I can make some new memories to their songs!

NEDERLANDS: Net voor Sabaton zou beginnen spelen, was ik tot zeer ver vooraan geraakt. Ik kreeg er veel ellebogen tegen me aan, bezweet haar kwam op me en mensen gingen constant op mijn voeten staan. Wat ik allemaal wel niet over heb voor bands die ik leuk vind... Na een ietwat langere pauze kwam Sabaton op. De band speelde een mix van oude en nieuwe nummers, allemaal even bombastisch met gekke belichtingen, kostuums en ontzettend veel vuurwerk.

Tijdens het bis-moment ging ik alvast wat meer naar de achterkant van de staanplaatsen staan, zodat ik sneller weg kon na het concert en niet in de grote mensenmassa terecht kwam. Sabaton speelde nog enkele emotionele nummers, die ik met hart en ziel meezong. Mooie vorm van therapie als je het mij vraagt!

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