31 July 2017

Eclipse @ Fryshuset | concert

March was a crazy concert month for me. I went to so many concerts that sometimes I'm even having trouble remembering which bands I saw live. On  Friday the 31st of March I went to Eclipse's show at Fryshuset in Stockholm.

NEDERLANDS: Maart was een gekke concertmaand voor mij. Ik ging naar zo veel concerten dat ik soms moeite moet doen om te herinneren wie ik waar live zag. Op vrijdag 31 maart ging ik naar Eclipse's show in Fryshuset in Stockholm.

Dyznasty was the support act. I had never heard of them before, but looked them up before going to the show and quite liked their sound. I also discovered their bass player looks absolutely gorgeous, which in real life, to be completely honest, was a bit disturbing, because he was all I could look at during the entire show. Crazy hormones!

Despite not really knowing the band, I really liked Eclipse's performance. The amount of their songs I knew was limited, but this Swedish rock band was really good live and got the audience going pretty easily (it was really busy in the venue).
I'm gladly seeing this band again at Sabaton Open Air next month!

NEDERLANDS: Dyznazty was de support act. Ik kende de ban niet, maar de basgitaarspeler was ontzettend mooi en dat is voornamelijk wat ik heb onthouden van hun optreden. Eclipse was zeer goed live. Ik kende hun muziek eigenlijk amper, maar deze Zweedse rockers kunnen er wat van en kregen het publiek makkelijk mee. Het was ook superdruk in de zaal. 
Ik zie deze band graag nog een keer op Sabaton Open Air volgende maand!

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