9 March 2017

All you need is someone who joins in on your weirdness | TBT

During the third week of this year, my best friend came to visit me for a long weekend. Which was very cool!
We have been good friends for a couple of years and never saw each other very often, but since we now live in different countries, the amount of times we see each other has decreased even more. So it's always very nice to see her again!

Everybody who meets the both of us immediately understand why we're friends. Yoni and I are basically one and the same person. We have so many similarieties in our personalities that we always know what the other person is thinking or feeling. We have almost literally the exact same taste in music, we both enjoy going to concerts and festivals, we both try to travel as much as we can and we both just think the same way about a lot of things and people. Oh, and we're both weird!

Of course we also have our differences, but life would only be boring if we were all completely the same!

NEDERLANDS: In week drie van dit jaar kwam mijn beste vriendin op bezoek in Stockholm. Supercool!
Yoni en ik zijn al enkele jaren goede vriendinnen en we zagen elkaar eigenlijk nooit heel vaak, maar nu we in verschillende landen wonen, zien we elkaar nog minder dan voorheen. Het is dus altijd heel leuk om haar weer te zien!

Wanneer mensen ons allebei leren kennen, begrijpen ze meestal meteen waarom wij zo'n goede vriendinnen zijn. 
Yoni en ik zijn zowat dezelfde persoon. Wij lijken qua persoonlijkheid ontzettend hard op elkaar. We luisteren naar exact dezelfde muziek, we gaan allebei graag naar concerten en festivals en we proberen allebei zoveel mogelijk te reizen. Oh, en we zijn allebei compleet gestoord!

Natuurlijk hebben we ook onze verschillen en dat is maar goed ook. Life would be so boring otherwise!

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