I told all of you in this post that I'm participating in the 365 Movie Challenge. This means that if I want to complete this challenge I have to watch at least 365 movies this year. It won't be easy, but I like a challenge! Hopefully you do too, because I will be keeping you guys updated about my progress in this challenge. I will be uploading a post every month. And I gladly welcome you to the fifth one!
So, I watched 18 movies in May. It isn't bad, but it isn't enough for my 365 Movie Challenge ofcourse. I have already watched 111 movies this year, which is quite a lot, but it also means I still have to watch 254 more! I'm starting to wonder whether or not I am going to make it, but even if I don't make it, at least I had some fun doing this challenge! And I have watched many movies that I had never watched before, so it'll never be a waste of time!