12 January 2017

If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try | friends

On Tuesday I went indoor climbing with two of my colleagues. One of them is a real sportsman, who seems to be good at every sports he does and the other one is quite the fierce lady. Throw me into the mix and you have our little climbing crew. Both my colleagues have way more climbing experience than I do (this was only the second time ever I tried this!) and it was supercool to see them climb up all those walls along with everybody else there. I however was not too great at it.
I got scared every time I got a bit higher than I expected, I panicked whenever I didn't immediately see how to continue climbing and my entire body already hurted after the first time I climbed up a wall. Not the best climbing experience perhaps, but it definitely taught me that sometimes you just got to try things, depsite the fact that they scare you. 
Great things happen out of you comfort zone after all!

NEDERLANDS: Dinsdagavond ging ik klimmen met twee collega's van me. Beide collega's hebben meer klimervaring dan ik (dit was mijn tweede keer ooit!) en het was supercool om hen de muren op te zien klimmen net zoals iedereen in de zaal. Ik was er helaas niet zo goed in. Ik werd bang telkens ik hoger dan verwacht geraakte, schoot in paniek als ik niet meteen zag hoe ik verder moest gaan en mijn hele lichaam deed al pijn na de eerste klim. 
Soms gaat het er echter niet om hoe goed je bent in iets, maar wat je ervan leert. 
Soms moet je dingen proberen die je angst aanjagen. Alle geweldige dingen gebeuren tenslotte uit je comfort zone!

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